typography art + min


更新时间: 2024-04-28 09:45


typography art + minimalism, neville brody + barbara kruger, bold white sans-serif "2050" dominating the frame, "way to agi" in smaller black text underneath, eye-catching color scheme with bright orange background, ample negative space + asymmetrical alignment, clean vector graphics + subtle texture overlay, frontal flat lay composition + no depth of field, powerful typographic impact + understated sophistication, ultra-high resolution + flawless letter edges and color consistency


typography art + minimalism, neville brody + barbara kruger, bold white sans-serif "2050" dominating the frame, "way to agi" in smaller black text underneath, eye-catching color scheme with bright orange background, ample negative space + asymmetrical alignment, clean vector graphics + subtle texture overlay, frontal flat lay composition + no depth of field, powerful typographic impact + understated sophistication, ultra-high resolution + flawless letter edges and color consistency


创作工具:Midjourney AI