black background pos


更新时间: 2024-04-26 07:10


black background poster with the silhouette of an man in front, his head is replaced by planet star and its rings a rings shape made of holographic foil and reflective glass material. the figure has no face but instead sports metallic skin. he wears a silver cross around his neck that includes three large black hole-like dots connected to each other, all set against space with stars. it's a cinematic composition that evokes mystery and surrealism.


black background poster with the silhouette of an man in front, his head is replaced by planet star and its rings a rings shape made of holographic foil and reflective glass material. the figure has no face but instead sports metallic skin. he wears a silver cross around his neck that includes three large black hole-like dots connected to each other, all set against space with stars. it's a cinematic composition that evokes mystery and surrealism.


创作工具:Midjourney AI