

更新时间: 2024-04-24 10:50


大雪纷飞,长城下,一位容颜俏丽的中国女将军,穿着轻盔甲和红披风,骑着一匹跃动的战马。手持长矛,皮靴踏在马镫上。身旁,一名男性中国剑盾士兵,身中数箭,盔甲破碎,单膝跪地。尽管受伤,仍举盾保护将军。坚定的表情。箭矢遍地,烽火台点燃,长城在背景中隐约可见,暗调。 雪景,中国历史题材,古代军事场面,战争,勇敢,忠诚,决心,动作捕捉,广角镜头,侧光, 武侠, 古剑阵, 汉服, 中式赛博, 伦勃朗光, 武侠 古剑 汉服 中式赛博 伦勃朗光 中国水墨 长城 峡谷 全景 日落渐变 中国墨


Under the Great Wall, heavy snow falls and a beautiful Chinese female general, wearing light armor and a red cloak, rides a jumping warhorse. Holding a spear and stepping on a stirrup with leather boots. Beside him, a male Chinese sword and shield soldier was hit by several arrows, his armor shattered, and he knelt on one knee. Despite being injured, he still raised his shield to protect the general. A firm expression. Arrows are everywhere, beacon towers are lit, and the Great Wall is faintly visible in the background, with a subtle tone. Snowy scenery, Chinese historical themes, ancient military scenes, war, bravery, loyalty, determination, action capture, wide-angle shots, side lighting, martial arts, ancient sword formation, Hanfu, Chinese style cyber, Rembrandt light, martial arts ancient sword Hanfu, Chinese style cyber, Rembrandt light, Chinese ink painting Great Wall Canyon full view sunset gradient, Chinese ink painting


创作工具:Midjourney AI