a mouse proficient i


更新时间: 2024-03-26 09:26


a mouse proficient in ninjutsu, holding a fruit knife and wearing a konoha headband, inspired by the style of masashi kishimoto from naruto, set in a hidden leaf village, focused on the mouse's intense gaze, created with digital drawing tools, styled with intricate linework and detailed shading reminiscent of masashi kishimoto's art, color palette featuring earthy tones


a mouse proficient in ninjutsu, holding a fruit knife and wearing a konoha headband, inspired by the style of masashi kishimoto from naruto, set in a hidden leaf village, focused on the mouse's intense gaze, created with digital drawing tools, styled with intricate linework and detailed shading reminiscent of masashi kishimoto's art, color palette featuring earthy tones


创作工具:Midjourney AI