

更新时间: 2024-03-10 09:48


金玉如意,镶嵌景泰蓝,光泽剔透,手感光滑,道教法器,华丽纹饰,质材优美,吉祥幸福,流线微曲,灵芝云朵,柄头扁,造型华丽。 珐琅 玻璃 黄金 紫水晶 冰 石英 彩色玻璃 青瓷 瓷 液体黄金 岩石 钻石 华丽的 青金石 雕刻 玉 雷莫石 红宝石 木纹 铂金 冰冷 金属质感 陶瓷 碧玉 氧化钛 波斯花纹 刚玉 象牙 孔雀石 抛光 琥珀 水磨石 祖母绿 橄榄石 蓝晶石 蓝宝石 乌木 黄铜


Jinyu Ruyi, inlaid with cloisonn é, has a translucent luster and a smooth hand feel. It is a Taoist artifact with gorgeous patterns and beautiful materials, auspicious and happy. The flowing lines are slightly curved, and there are Lingzhi clouds. The handle is flat and the shape is gorgeous. Enamel glass, gold, amethyst, ice, quartz, colored glass, celadon porcelain, liquid, gold, rock, diamond, magnificent lapis lazuli carving, emerald, ruby, wood grain, platinum, cold metal texture, ceramic, jade, titanium oxide, Persian pattern, corundum, ivory, malachite, polished amber, terrazzo, emerald, olivine, blue crystal, sapphire, ebony, brass


创作工具:Midjourney AI