

更新时间: 2024-02-18 10:36


苏州街巷夜晚,宁静雅致温暖的灯光。狭长的巷道中,古老的石砖铺地,两旁是精美的传统建筑。一排红灯笼点缀着整个街道,映衬出幽静的氛围。远处有微弱的月光洒在巷口,给整个画面增添了一抹神秘感。迎面走来一位穿着传统汉服的女子,脸上带着微笑,仿佛置身于古代的江南水乡。 街巷夜晚,宁静雅致温暖的灯光,古老石砖,传统建筑,红灯笼,微弱月光,神秘感,传统汉服,微笑,江南水乡。


At night in Suzhou streets and alleys, there are peaceful, elegant, and warm lights. In the narrow alleyway, there are ancient stone brick floors and exquisite traditional buildings on both sides. A row of red lanterns adorned the entire street, creating a serene atmosphere. In the distance, there is a faint moonlight shining on the alley entrance, adding a touch of mystery to the entire scene. A woman wearing traditional Hanfu walked towards her, with a smile on her face, as if she were in the ancient water town of Jiangnan. At night in the streets and alleys, with tranquil and elegant warm lights, ancient stone bricks, traditional architecture, red lanterns, faint moonlight, a sense of mystery, traditional Hanfu, smiles, and a water town in Jiangnan.


创作工具:Midjourney AI