

更新时间: 2024-02-29 12:39


汽车类型:法拉利918,展现其独特的设计和线条。 拍摄角度:保持低角度视角,以强调法拉利918的动感和力量。 汽车位置:汽车位于图像的中央,成为视觉焦点。确保车辆前方的倒影清晰可见,增加图像的深度。 背景:维持荒废的建筑作为背景,但根据法拉利918的颜色调整背景的色彩和亮度,以匹配汽车的活力和色彩。 光线和天气:保持阴沉的天空和柔和的光线,强调神秘和戏剧性的氛围。 颜色和调色:依据法拉利918的主色调(例如,如果是红色,可以加强图像中的红色和温暖色调),让汽车与周围环境协调,同时保持冷色调的背景以突出汽车。 对称与反射:在湿漉漉的道路上清晰展示法拉利918的倒影,增加图像的对称美和视觉兴趣。


Car type: Ferrari 918, showcasing its unique design and lines. Shooting angle: Maintain a low angle perspective to emphasize the sportiness and power of the Ferrari 918. Car position: The car is located in the center of the image, becoming the visual focus. Ensure that the reflection in front of the vehicle is clearly visible and increase the depth of the image. Background: Maintain the abandoned building as the background, but adjust the color and brightness of the background according to the color of the Ferrari 918 to match the vitality and color of the car. Light and Weather: Maintain a gloomy sky and soft lighting, emphasizing a mysterious and dramatic atmosphere. Color and tone: Based on the main color tone of the Ferrari 918 (for example, if it is red, the red and warm tones in the image can be enhanced), make the car coordinate with the surrounding environment while maintaining a cool background to highlight the car. Symmetry and Reflection: Clearly display the reflection of the Ferrari 918 on wet roads, enhancing the symmetry beauty and visual interest of the image.,,in clothes


创作工具:Midjourney AI