shot with a zeiss ot


更新时间: 2024-02-19 02:14


shot with a zeiss otus 100mm f11 iso 200 1·250 sec lens, macro photography of insects reveals the intricate textures and vivid features of these tiny creatures. in these photos, the details of the insect's body surface are clearly visible, ultimate details, such as scales, antennae, eyes, etc., showcasing the wonderful beauty of the microscopic world. 、ar 85:128,s 700 ,v 6.0 ,style raw ,q 5 ,fast 摄影纪实 极限特写 微距


Shot with a zeiss otus 100mm f11 iso 200 1.250 sec lens, macro photography of insects received the integrated textures and vidid features of these tiny creations In these photos, the details of the insert's body surface are clearly visible, ultimate details, such as scales, antenna, eyes, etc., showcasing the stunning beauty of the microscopic world Ar 85:128, s 700, v 6.0, style raw, q 5, fast photography documentary extreme close-up macro,,in clothes


创作工具:Midjourney AI