版画设计 一位50多岁的中国东北农民在玉


更新时间: 2024-01-19 01:32


版画设计 一位50多岁的中国东北农民在玉米地里聚精会神看着手机,手机的画面是ai给农民显示病虫害的治理方案,农民展现满意的笑容,近景的玉米叶子上展现病虫害和病斑状态,专业版画效果,绿色、土黄和蓝色三色套印效果,要展现专业而强烈的版画特征,最强艺术感染力和表现力,展现新时代农民与时具进,运用最新ai科技服务田间管理的场景,版画艺术美感,细节丰富,色彩饱和,


Printmaking Design: A farmer in Northeast China, over 50 years old, is engrossed in a corn field, staring at his phone. The screen on the phone shows the AI to show the farmer the pest control plan, and the farmer shows a satisfied smile. The close-up corn leaves show the status of pests and diseases, and the professional printmaking effect includes a three color printing effect of green, earth yellow, and blue, showcasing professional and strong printmaking characteristics, the strongest artistic infectiousness and expressiveness, Showcasing the new era of farmers and the progress of the times, using the latest AI technology to serve field management scenes, the art of printmaking is beautiful, with rich details and saturated colors


创作工具:Midjourney AI