a photograph of a sm


更新时间: 2024-05-16 12:04


a photograph of a smartphone on a desktop, with a 3d popout of a dinosaur half-emerging from the screen, in the style of hyper-realistic imagery. the dinosaur, a towering brachiosaurus, appears as if breaking through the screen, its scales and skin texture meticulously rendered. the background is a pure black, emphasizing the dinosaur's imposing figure. the lighting accentuates the popout effect and the dinosaur's details, creating a mesmerizing scene.


a photograph of a smartphone on a desktop, with a 3d popout of a dinosaur half-emerging from the screen, in the style of hyper-realistic imagery. the dinosaur, a towering brachiosaurus, appears as if breaking through the screen, its scales and skin texture meticulously rendered. the background is a pure black, emphasizing the dinosaur's imposing figure. the lighting accentuates the popout effect and the dinosaur's details, creating a mesmerizing scene.


创作工具:Midjourney AI