set against peach bl


更新时间: 2024-05-12 12:02


set against peach blossoms. the focus should be on a simple aged wine bottle, which should emit a refreshing and natural flow similar to flowing water. using a medium lens composition, characterized by high-definition wide-angle lenses, under natural light, it should display rich details in a palette dominated by pink tones, echoing the essence of the brand with simple emotions - version 6- aspect 9:16- chaos 2- stylization 100


set against peach blossoms. the focus should be on a simple aged wine bottle, which should emit a refreshing and natural flow similar to flowing water. using a medium lens composition, characterized by high-definition wide-angle lenses, under natural light, it should display rich details in a palette dominated by pink tones, echoing the essence of the brand with simple emotions - version 6- aspect 9:16- chaos 2- stylization 100


创作工具:Midjourney AI