

更新时间: 2024-05-11 03:48


阳光透过窗户,金色的光斑洒在母亲微笑的脸庞和孩子依偎的身影上。细致勾勒母亲手上的皱纹,每一缕都是岁月的故事和对家庭的无私奉献,手中紧握着与孩子的合照。增强画面中的暖色调,使用柔和的光线营造出午后宁静的氛围。在背景添置盛开的花朵,如康乃馨,象征母爱的纯洁与不朽,花瓣轻轻飘落,寓意母爱的细腻与恒久。展现孩子悄悄准备惊喜礼物的背影,小心翼翼地绘制卡片或是摆放鲜花,脸上洋溢着对母亲的感激之情。温暖, 母爱, 金色, 柔和光线, 家庭, 婉转, 康乃馨, 感激, 惊喜, 细腻。


Sunlight filters through the window, casting golden spots across mother's smiling face and the shadow of the child nestled against her. The fine lines on her hand are etched with the stories of the years and her selfless dedication to the family, her grip tight on a photo with the child. The warm tones in the scene are enhanced, using soft light to create an atmosphere of tranquility in the late afternoon. Background additions of blooming flowers, such as carnations, symbolize the purity and everlasting nature of maternal love, their petals gently floating to the ground, imbuing the love with delicacy and permanence. The child's back is shown as they silently prepare a surprise gift, carefully painting a card or arranging flowers, their face alight with gratitude for their mother. Warmth, motherly love, gold, soft light, family, elegance, carnations, gratitude, surprise, delicacy.,,in clothes


创作工具:Midjourney AI