

更新时间: 2024-05-07 11:38


大型体育场办公区入口大厅效果方案设计, 画面左侧(西侧)为全高大玻璃的2组对开玻璃门,中间由宽一米的大柱子隔开,大厅玻璃门对面的大厅(东侧)的形象墙,上面为巨大的电子显示屏,画面展示比赛实况画面,电子屏的下方是形象墙,大厅的接待中心前台,接待台的两侧为宽大的进入办公区的对开实木门,大厅墙面为浅米色高档墙面砖和高档白色岩板,墙面为展现奥林匹克体育运动文化的运动员做体育运动的剪影画面,现代简约风格的天棚和几何形构成的艺术造型灯,地面为中灰色大块云纹理石铺贴,整个空间彰显现代轻奢大气简约风格,宽敞明亮,自然光线,柔和且温暖,又充满青春活力,明快,3d vray高端渲染,8k顶级画质,顶级艺术美感,去除噪点,全景远景视野,视野开阔


The design proposal for the entrance hall of the office area in a large sports stadium features a sleek and elegant ambiance. To the left (west side) of the scene, we have two sets of full-height glass double doors. In the middle, a column stands one meter wide, separating the area. Opposite the glass doors, on the east side, there's a promotional wall with a massive LED screen, displaying live sports action. Below the screen, the wall continues as a promotional feature. The reception center's front desk is centrally located, with wide double solid wood doors on either side leading to the office area. The walls are adorned with a light beige high-end ceramic tiles and white premium stone slabs, showcasing silhouettes of athletes engaged in various Olympic sports. The ceiling features a modern minimalist style with artistic geometric lighting fixtures. The flooring is composed of large charcoal gray stone tiles with cloud-like patterns, creating a sense of grandeur and luxury while maintaining an airy and minimalist aesthetic. The space is bathed in ample natural light, which is soft and warm, exuding a youthful vitality. This 3D VRay render boasts an 8K resolution, delivering an image of top-notch artistic beauty without any noise. The panoramic view offers a broad perspective, opening up the visual expanse.,,in clothes


创作工具:Midjourney AI