

更新时间: 2024-05-06 03:39


姑娘穿越到英国维多利亚时代,站在雾气笼罩的伦敦大桥上。她身穿华丽的维多利亚时代服装,戴着宽边帽和蓬松发髻。她神情深思,目光远方,仿佛在寻找着什么。整个画面以灰暗的色调为主,突出了时代的庄严和神秘感。雾气弥漫的桥梁和后方的伦敦市区构成了背景,给人一种古老而浪漫的氛围。 维多利亚时代,雾气,伦敦大桥,华丽服装,宽边帽,蓬松发髻,深思,灰暗色调,庄严,神秘感,雾气弥漫,古老,浪漫。


The young girl finds herself transported to the Victorian era in England, standing on the London Bridge. She is dressed in the elaborate fashions of the time, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a bouffant hairdo. Her expression is contemplative, her gaze fixed on the distance, as if searching for something. The entire scene is depicted in drab tones, emphasizing the era's formality and sense of mystery. The fog-enshrouded bridge and the backdrop of London cityscape create a sense of antiquity and romance. The Victoria era, the fog, the London Bridge, the opulent attire, the wide-brimmed hat, the voluminous updo, the deep contemplation, the somber hues, the solemnity, the sense of mystery, the mist-enshrouded setting, the ancient ambiance, and the romantic vibe all come together to paint a picture of a bygone era.,,in clothes


创作工具:Midjourney AI